Sunday, June 1, 2008

So far, it's been a quiet weekend. I started making a tank top here's a picture. Obviously that's not mine, but it's a good picture of the pattern. I'm a) not at the right gauge (so I'm doing math to adjust the pattern) and b) doing short rows for only the second time ever, so I am prepared to fail if needed. Heck, that's what frogging's for, right? But I love love love Rowan Calmer, so I am a happy person. (Rowan Calmer is a cotton/polyester blend that is insanely soft and just a pleasure to work with, and also, really pretty purple. Expect pic-spam later once I have more than an inch.)

Finished sock scarf, gave sock scarf to kissmythistle, who likes it. Yay.

I'm going to go back to knitting now, my brain hurts again.

Edited: Um, so I failed a bit and the tank is frogged. Moebius strips are good for scarfs, not so much for tanks. Oh well. Maybe I should take this as a sign that I should make a lovely sample (perhaps doing so in the continental style) and wash it to see how the yarn acts. After all, I have more yardage than I need, so I can afford to do so.

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